B.U.I.L.D. Minutes
August 6, 2019
Pinnacle Bank Conference Room
Catered by B’s Diner
Members and guests present: Dee Arias, Roger Behrns, Linda Behrns, Stephen Jensen, Jennifer Serkiz, Alan Mueller, Ryan Johnson, Diane Heard, Rex Nelson and Derek Virgl.
Dee called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Introductions were made.
The minutes from the July 9, 2019 meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Diane Heard.
The B.U.I.L.D. treasure’s report was approved unanimously.
New Business:
Rex Nelson introduced himself from the University of Nebraska; extension educator with Community Vitality Initiative. He services Otoe and Cass Counties with strategic planning, leadership programs, business plans, etc. He is here to let the business community know that his services are available.
Old Business:
The new website was discussed and Roger is looking into getting a .gov.
Events Committee:
The Last Hot Sunday in July car show was a success considering the weather. Mark Leibman and team are considering taking over the responsibilities of the show for next year. More information to follow.
Welcome Committee:
No report.
Presentation Committee:
No report.
Community/Economic Development Committee:
Jennifer Serkiz reported about the potential chicken farm in rural Cass County. Alan mentioned that he had been approached by the Louisville Fire Auxiliary looking for advertisers for a calendar project they are doing.
Other Business:
Linda Behrns reported for KKCB stating that the dates have been set for upcoming events: scrap tire collection August 27-29, household hazardous waste collection September 20, and electronics recycling September 21 in Plattsmouth.
The next meeting will be at noon, Tuesday, September 10, 2019 – Location TBD.