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Witte Physical Therapy in Louisville and Plattsmouth
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Made possible in part by Prime Sponsor
Gregg Young Chevrolet
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welcome to louisville


The following is useful and informative information regarding Louisville businesses, schools, parks, recreation areas, library, activities and more.

The City office is located at 210 Main Street. City office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except for holidays. The City office offers residents a DROP BOX located at the rear (east side) of the building for after hour payments. A drive through window is also available during office hours. NOW AVAILABLE: ACH PAYMENT FROM ANY BANK AND E-BILLING.

The City Clerk handles water, sewer and trash accounts, as well as a number of other City business activities such as the City Ordinances, building permits, dog and cat licensing, parking fines, liquor and tobacco licenses, City budget, etc.

The City governing body consists of Mayor Rod Petersen, Council President Jerry McClun, Council Members Martyn Myers, Jamion Biesterfeld, Larry Gulizia.  The City Clerk is Dee Arias. Maintenance personnel are Preston Derby, Matt Clark, Joel Jones and Tyler Groves. For emergencies please call 402-957-7866.

The City Council meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to attend. If a particular subject needs to be brought to the Council's attention, arrangements should be made with the City Clerk twenty-four hours prior to the regular Council meeting to have the item placed on the agenda. The City Council meets once a month, the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Notices of meetings are posted in advance at the City Office, Pinnacle Bank and the Louisville Post Office.

Mayor: Rod Petersen

Council President: Jerry McClun

Council Members:  Martyn Myers, Jamion Biesterfeld, Larry Gulizia

Louisville has a Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department . If anyone is interested in being a volunteer, please contact the City Clerk for information. The Fire Chief is Jason McClun and the Rescue Captain is Mike Hoover.

The City is patrolled by the Cass County Sheriff's Department.

The City Planning Commission is comprised of the following members:

    Chairman: Ronda Anderson

    Council Members: Jeff Ryan, Lisa Sheehan, Cory Chubb, Chuck Meyer, Ray Heinold,  Keith Witte, Roy Hudson.

The Planning Commission meets once a quarter on Monday of the week prior to the City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the City Office or as needed.

Louisville has an excellent Library complete with computers for your use. The Library is located at 217 Main Street. Darla McDonald is Librarian. The Library Board consists of the follwing members:

    President: Angie Krejci

    Members: Heidi Wilhelm, Tami Michalski, Stacie Schmidt-Cottrell, Laura McKeen

Library Board meetings are held the Monday before the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

Library hours are as follows:

Monday: 10:30AM -  6:00 PM

Wednesday: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Friday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Louisville's Care Center is another excellent facility. The Care Center Board is comprised of the following members:

    Chairperson: Darlene Petrzilka

    Members: Candy McClun, Jamion Biesterfeld, Betty Heard and Cindy Osterloh.

The Care Center Board meets the second Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. at the Care Center.

Louisville has a Community Center. The facility may be rented for receptions, anniversary and birthday parties, family reunions, or other special events for the following fees:

    Upstairs: $125 

    Local residents receive a $50.00 discount. Civic organizations rental fees are also discounted.

Reservations need to be made in advance at the City Office at 234-7605 or 234-7705. A refundable deposit equal to rental fee is also required.

Area churches are:

    Christ Lutheran Church
    15616 – 84 St., Louisville, NE

    First Christian Church
    304 Main St., Louisville, NE

    Immanuel Lutheran Church
    36712 Church Rd., Louisville, NE

    United Methodist Church
    222 Walnut St., Louisville, NE

    St. Patrick's Catholic Church
    101 Broadway St., Manley, NE

Louisville has an excellent Public School System; Grades K-12. The High School can be reached at (402)234-3585. The Elementary School can be reached at (402)234-4215.

Louisville also has a wonderful Pre-School program for ages 3 & 4. For more information contact Cindy Schmitt at 234-6805.

The City has a park and two baseball fields. Summer leagues are available for all ages. Contact Tracy Heard at 234-2625 for more information.

Louisville Business Directiory**

Louisville and the surrounding areas include the following attractions:

Louisville State Lakes : Camper hookup (electrical & non electrical), swimming, 5 fishing lakes and a concession stand. For additional information about the recreation areas call 402-234-6855

Schram State Park : Aquarium, hiking, etc. For information call (402)332-3901. The park is within 4 miles of Louisville.

Platte River State Park : Cabins, restaurant, hiking, swimming, fishing, horseback riding, etc. The park is located within 3 miles of Louisville. For information call 402-234-2217

Mahoney State Park : Cabins, restaurant, hiking, swimming, water slides, horseback riding, ice skating, play center, etc. For information call 402-944-2523

Henry Doorly Wildlife Safari Park :
Car tours of Nebraska's own wildlife in their natural environment, including buffalo, ducks, wolves and many others.

Sandhill Road II Redevelopment Area 2018 Project

The nearest motels are at Sapp Brothers Truck Stop at Highway 50 and I-80 at the west edge of Omaha, 10 minutes from Louisville.

Ordinances most commonly referenced:

#490 DOGS & CATS – Requires all dogs and cats living within the City limits for 10 days or more to be licensed. License fees are $5.00 per animal. No dogs or cats shall run at large (they shall be confined in a kennel or pen, or on a leash). Citations will be issued for animals running at large, barking offensively or that are unlicensed. First citation is $20.00, second citation is $35.00 and third citation is $50.00. Licenses are renewable by May 1 st of each year. Proof of rabies vaccination must be submitted at the time of licensing. There is a limit of 3 dogs or cats per residence.

In the Spring of each year the City holds an Animal Vaccination and Licensing Clinic at the Louisville Fire Station. Watch the Plattsmouth Journal and look for flyers posted around town for notice.

#491 TRASH - The City is contracted with Papillion Sanitation. Each household is provided with a toter. The toter shall be placed at the curb before 6:00 a.m. every Thursday morning. Papillion Sanitation will not accept car batteries, paint or white goods (appliances). Tree and brush limbs will be accepted in 4' lengths or less in bundles only. Leaves and grass clippings will only be accepted December through March. Papillion Sanitation is scheduled every Thursday unless a holiday falls on Monday or Tuesday and then pick up may be one day late. Contact the Clerk for information.

The City also offers a recycle program through Papillion Sanitation. Each household is provided with a recycle toter that is to be placed at the curb on opposite side of trash toter every Thursday morning by 6:00 a.m. Acceptable items are newspapers, tin cans, aluminum cans and plastic bottles.

Papillion Sanitation offers a Spring, Summer and Fall Clean Up Day in May, August and November to the City at no cost. The City tries to hold the Spring Clean Up just before Memorial Day Weekend. The Fall Clean Up is as late as possible to allow for all the leaves to fall. Notices can be found in the Plattsmouth Journal and posted on flyers around town.

#449 NO PARKING DURING SNOW REMOVAL ON STREETS – During the months of November 1 through April 1 of the ensuing year, no parking is allowed on the streets after an accumulative snowfall. Snow removal is usually between the hours of 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.; however; there will be as much snow removal as possible during daylight hours. If you do not have off street parking available, please contact the City Clerk.

Ordinance # 772 WATER/SEWER RATES – please, call city office for current rates at 402-234-7705.
Meters are read around the 20th of each month. Payments are due the 15th of each month. Statements become delinquent, if not paid in a timely manner and finance fees are applied. Accounts 15 days old will receive a shut off notice. A $50.00 account set up fee is required before beginning new service. There is also a $65 reconnection fee if service is turned off for nonpayment.

#458 and #451 NO OPEN BURNING – No open burning is allowed. Burn permits may be issued through the Fire Department. The following individuals may be contacted to obtain a burn permit:

Jason McClun - Fire Chief

#610 and #611 BUILDING CODES AND FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT – Permit forms are available at the City Office. Building permits are required for all new construction, remodel projects, new fencing, retaining walls, utility sheds or major electrical. Construction, repairs and alterations to locations within the floodplain require a floodplain development permit and building permit. Please call for advisement. Louisville has a one mile jurisdiction area. Surveys are required to be attached to all building permits. All fees are paid at the City Office after approval of the City Building Inspector, Dan Henry. All inspections require a 24 hour notice.

Copple Chevrolet will accept non-contaminated used oil during business hours of Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Copples will not accept batteries.

Copple Chevrolet will also take tires (402-234-2000) for a fee of $2.00 - $10.00 depending on the size of the tire. In general, car and pickup tires are $2.00 each.