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Witte Physical Therapy in Louisville and Plattsmouth
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Made possible in part by Prime Sponsor
Gregg Young Chevrolet
To become a Prime Sponsor click here

Pinewood Derby Pack 353

Official Results and Photos!
Louisville Art Gallery

  Season Opener - Sunday 1-4
Corned Beef and Cabbage

1st Anniversary Celebration!!

  Main Street Cafe - St. Patricks Day - Monday
Second Wednesday - Louisville Welcomes

Inteview with 5th Street Studio

Click Here to Listen
4H Meeting Announcement:
CloverKids Roads to Good Cooking Class





Louisville Art Gallery

"What I Created During Steve’s Winter Vacation”

First show of 2008 featuring all Gallery Artists

Opening Reception

Sunday Afternoon

March 16, 2008 1-4 pm

Mood created by jazz guitarist George Walker

Sunday afternoon, March 16, is the opening reception for
“What I Created During Steve’s Winter Vacation”
This is a group show featuring most of the Gallery artists, and some really great stuff has come in. Looking forward to getting the doors opened and getting the art year started. Please note the reception has been changed to Sunday afternoon.
 Another event in March is a performance by Boston based singer-songwriter
Edie Carey. Touring internationally since 1999, Edie has shared stages with Norah Jones, Leo Kottke, Ani DiFranco, Jonatha Brooke, Catie Curtis, Lucy Kaplansky, and Sandra Bernhard. She was asked to perform at The Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City and on Ed McMahon's "Next Big Star" ("Star Search"), and has had her songs featured on The WB's "Charmed" and MTV's "Road Rules.
She was recently a featured act on Public Radio International’s “Mountain Stage,” and “When I Was Made” was a finalist for Album of the Year in the 2003 Independent Music Awards.

Edie will be performing on Saturday evening, March 29, at 8pm, and is bringing along special guest, Elana Arian, a New York based multi-instrumentalist and singer/songwriter.

This should be a great show, so call for tickets soon

as there is very limited seating for this type of event

One last thing you may be interested in is a free showing of the NET produced documentary depicting the state of Omaha’s art world titled “Fighting for the Arts”. This takes place at 7pm at The P.S. Collective, 6056 Maple Street. An open discussion with producer Joel Geyer will follow, along with some small presentations form local artists.

Alright, time to get back to work. Hope you all have a great week, and I look forward to seeing you Sunday afternoon. Your friend on the local art scene



Pinewood Derby Results! 

(left to right)

Terrance Ball (Bear Den Winner)

Frank Novotny (Overall Winner)

Garrett Blatt (Webelo Den Winner)

Pack 353

First Row

Nate Krejci, Julian Covington, Jack Krejci, Samuel Gauthier, Ethan Harrod

Second Row

Carson Combs, Gavin Jones, Spencer Warner, Ryan Campbell, Christian Shaw, Brock Milius, Terrance Ball

 Third Row

Cole Christian, Frank Novotny, Jake Zahn, Logan Zahn, Mitch Dillon

Back Row

Thomas Johnson, Trenton Warner, Gavin Siebrass, Garrett Blatt, Jacob Clancy, Wrenn Sensor


Mike Dillon starting the race.


The Finish (one of the 35 heats of the race).


Brenna Milius – Open Class winner



Photos compliments of Tracy Milius

Click Here for more Pack Pics

The Pack visits the Louisville Care Center  


NEW JOBS Section - Community Website
Click Here 
Free Listing of Jobs Wanted - Help Wanted 

Seasonal Staff Needed

Platte River State Park
Mahoney State Park

USE CODE: 33-33500-1

Both Require Applications to be Submitted On Line
at the State Personnel Website:

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  New Homes Section - Community Website 
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Free Listing of Homes Wanted - Homes for Sale

Weekly Interviews
Louisville Welcomes
  Weekly Newsletter Feature - 3 Minute Interviews
  Second  Wednesday of Each Month a New Louisville Family or Business
  March 12, 2008
  New Business - 5th Street Studio
Melody Stohlman
Louisville Newsletter Interviews
3 Min informal interviews with some of Louisville's most interesting people
prepared 4 times a month on the following schedule:
First Wednesday of the Month Louisville Leaders
an informal visit with Local Government 
Second Wednesday of the Month Louisville Welcomes
an informal visit with our Newest Family or Business Neighbor  
Third Wednesday of the Month Louisville Movers and Shakers
 an informal visit with a Local Business Leader
Fourth Wednesday of the Month Louisville Angels
an informal visit with active Volunteers 
Community Website Sponsors include:
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Amazing Properties
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Team Copple
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Spring Trimmings Collection

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Corned Beef and Cabbage on Monday 3/17 
 Genuine Home Made, Local Recipes
Click Here to view the New Menu
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Where Shopping is an Event!
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 Farmers Bank of Cook
When the Temperature Drops
So do our Loan Rates!
Stop in and Compare Today!
  V i s i t t h e Li o n s Den
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Louisville Interactive

  We built this feature to encourage you to share with the BUILD group
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We have significantly improved our Classified Section,
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We see most new listings Tues and Wed with the Weekly Newsletters.
You can now add a digital photo, and all the ads are monitored, to keep them local. The classified section, is now the most
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so get out there and sell something!
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This represents your access to
about 1126 of your neighbors
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Hey, Life is Better Here!
If you are among the geographically challenged
that happento live somewhere else...
Come and Join Us! Easy as 1, 2, 3..... 4
 Select a lot in our new Subdivision, drive down and check it out,
get a loan eat dinner, then buy some firewood!
you too can experience the Better Life!

From the Editor
Joy in Mudville
Out of the Freezer - Finally
We have sprouts in the laundry room!!
About the last week of February every year the little peat pods come out. They look like fat brown poker chips until you pour a little water on them, and bam, they expand into short little brown pods of peat, just perfect for your pepper or tomato seeds. You select seeds from the catalog, order, wait, plant, label, water, wait, hope, peek, pray put your electric blanket underneath to keep those precious sprouts toasty, and then when the shelves at Earl May are full of plants you pitch these spindly anemic looking sprout pods into the compost bin and buy a trailer full of the good stuff.
This is the same every year, kinda like salmon swiming up stream or something - (good news for grizzlies
This is a defense mechanism of some kind. Some form of denial that makes you believe that it is almost gardening time, when you have nothing going but ice, more ice and snow.
Well, the good news is we have officially turned the corner, on one of the coldest crummy winters in a long time, and now it is time to get out there and DO something!!
That Means Mud
Whatever the activity is this weekend,
I am pretty sure it is gonna involve
slogging through mud of some kind.
Hey, I got a new Leaf Blower for Christmas!!
. . . .fire that bad boy up. . . .
Having Fun and Blowing the Mud Away South of the River
Computer John