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A Succesful Season!

Coach Wally Johnson
Louisville Lions

"The harder you work, the luckier you get!"


 Louisville Angels
  Pat Schliefert
Louisville Over 60/Senior Center
Boston's Edie Carey /New Yorks Elana Arian
Perform Sat 3/29 at the
  Computer John : Golden Years



Live at the Louisville Art Gallery

Saturday Concerts

I just wanted to remind everyone about this weekend's event at the Louisville Art Gallery. Boston based singer/songwriter Edie Carey will be performing this Saturday, March 29th at 8pm, with special guest, New York singer/songwriter Elana Arian. Tickets are only $15.00 and seating is very limited, so call ahead ({402}234-2867) and make plans to cruise down to Louisville Saturday evening. The show starts at 8pm, and the doors will open at 7pm so you can have a chance to check out the current exhibition and claim your seat.

Edie recently embarked on a week-long music cruise/extravaganza called "Cayamo." It featured some of her favorite artists including Shawn Colvin, Lyle Lovett, Emmylou Harris, Patty Griffin, Brandi Carlisle and many more. Though she called it a vacation, she did enter some competition on board and won a set on the stage, and played some dates down around the Tampa area after the cruise. Probably helped with the taxman!

In our latest correspondence, she was writing from a cafe called "Fred" in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is touring in the Canadian Maritimes with Rose Cousins for a few weeks, and says it feels a lot like Maine, but with prettier money and lilting accents. I feel very fortunate to have a national musician of this caliber playing at the Gallery, so I truly hope you can make it to the show. And I almost forgot to let you know that the performance is being recorded so I can add to the "Live at the Louisville Art Gallery" series.

Okay now, stop goofing off and get back to work.

See you on Saturday!


Steven D Sherman
Louisville Art Gallery
230 Main POB 160
Louisville Nebraska 68037
"Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who
have nothing to say and keep on saying it."
Robert Frost


From Coach Wally Johnson 

  I thought we had a successful season overall.  From beginning to end we matured and improved throughout the season and I believe we played our best when it really counted at the end of the season.  Our defense was a great success as we ended up #10 in overall defense in Class C-1, according to huskerland.  We will continue to build off of that success and improve our ability to score.  We graduate some key players that have been an important part of our success over the past four years and they will be missed, but we feel good about what we have coming back and the attitude and outlook for next season is something we are excited about.  With continued hard work and improvements made in the off-season we are setting expectations higher for next season.  I’d like to thank my players and coaches for their sacrifices throughout the season and them buying in to the program and working as hard as they did everyday!  We’d also like to thank all the fans and parents for their continued support and we look forward to an improved and successful season next year.  Thanks to the media, as well, for your coverage and support throughout the season!

Wally Johnson
K-12 Physical Education Instructor
Louisville Public Schools
202 West 3rd Street
Louisville, Nebraska 68037
(402) 234-3585

Louisville Lions

"The harder you work, the luckier you get!"
Stats Provided by Krambeck Photography



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Weekly Interviews
Louisville Angels
  Weekly Newsletter Feature - 3 Minute Interviews
  Forth  Wednesday of Each Month a Louisville Volunteer
March 26, 2008
  Pat Schliefert
Louisville Over 60/Senior Center
Louisville Newsletter Interviews
3 Min informal interviews with some of Louisville's most interesting people
prepared 4 times a month on the following schedule:
First Wednesday of the Month Louisville Leaders
an informal visit with Local Government 
Second Wednesday of the Month Louisville Welcomes
an informal visit with our Newest Family or Business Neighbor  
Third Wednesday of the Month Louisville Movers and Shakers
 an informal visit with a Local Business Leader
Fourth Wednesday of the Month Louisville Angels
an informal visit with active Volunteers 
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 Farmers Bank of Cook
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Hey, Life is Better Here!
If you are among the geographically challenged
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Come and Join Us! Easy as 1, 2, 3..... 4
 Select a lot in our new Subdivision, drive down and check it out,
get a loan eat dinner, then buy some firewood!
you too can experience the Better Life!

From the Editor
Close Enough for Jazz
$2.50 for Lunch!
I very much enjoyed interviewing
 Pat Schliefert this week..
One of the benefits I get in preparing the weekly Louisville Audio Interviews is a chance to focus on an idea, a topic, a person..  and on our little Community.
You can't do that and anything else at the same time, or you get a real mess.
I am stunned by the work, and the good will, and the preparation that is represented by our Senior Center and what it means to have Community Leaders with the forthought and determination to shepard such an effort for so many, many years!
I listen to the enthusiasm and committment in Pat, and I imagine what a mountain of work that must really be, and she seems so happy shouldering that responsibility.
I have noticed that this "getting older" thing, is really sneaky!
I can clearly remember marching around
carrying a sign, with a T-Shirt that said;
"Don't Trust Anyone Over 30!"
Suddenly I am looking at twice that number.. Man!
I am guessing, there are a lot of us getting older...
Any ways:
Pat really wants to convince some of the older folks in the area to get down and visit the Senior Center , and see all the great stuff that is going on!
One of the Most Successful methods is giving out these Meal Tickets, that they have.
They really appreciate donations to cover the cost of these books of 10 $2.50 Meal Tickets $25 a book
Seniors are tickled to get a free-bee a special gift ticket, and that gets them down there for some hot chow (great stuff!) some fun, entertainment,  chit-chat and a chance to re-connect to the Community. Pat has a chance to make them a regular!
For those of you that would like to purchase
a book of 10 meal Tickets
and just indicate how many books of 10 at $25 you would like and we will have Pat get in touch with you.
Tell her she is doing a great job! 
Hey, you might get old some day too! 
Having Fun and Getting Older South of the River
Computer John