"We are closer than you think!"
Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor

Made possible in part by Prime Sponsor
Witte Physical Therapy in Louisville and Plattsmouth
To become a Prime Sponsor click here

Made possible in part by Prime Sponsor
Gregg Young Chevrolet
To become a Prime Sponsor click here

Made possible in part by Prime Sponsor
Country Mile Wireless

To become a Prime Sponsor click here

Due to Weather Concerns
Homecoming Parade Canceled
Pep Rally in the Gym
Friday 2:45PM The Parade
Saturday 7PM The Dance
Coach Wally Johnson
Prepares for Yutan
This week brings a team, in Yutan, that comes off a big win against Weeping Water last week.  We still remain second in our district, due to the tough schedule we play, but need to put some wins together to keep that spot.

The Yutan roster is dominated by seniors and juniors and the execute very well.  They are not a big team by any means, compared to what we have seen so far this season, but they are fairly quick and experienced.  Yutan will show a lot of shotgun formations and like to spread the field to open things up for their backs.  In certain sets we feel we can take advantage of having them outnumbered and take a more aggressive approach on defense.

Defensively they will show us a defensive style that we have seen for the past three games.  We have some new looks that we may go to this week and feel good about being full strength again this week.  Special teams will play a huge part in the game this week and may determine the outcome.

I really look for our boys to rebound and be as focused as we have seen them all year.  With all the distractions of being homecoming week it is very important that we keep our focus and remember what this week is all about for us, and that is beating Yutan.  We will have a great week of practice and will be ready to play our best game of the year.  
Photo Courtesy of Mike Krambeck

Wally Johnson

Louisville Public Schools
K-12 Physical Education Instructor
Head Football & Girls Basketball
"Success is like anything worthwhile.  It has a price.  You have to pay the price to win and you have to pay the price to get to the point where success is possible.  Most important, you must pay the price to stay there."  Vince Lombardi
All Lions Photos Compliments of Mike Krambeck,
  For The Best Local Sports coverage in Cass County Click Here
Your name: Tracy Heard
The Louisville Ball Parents Association

Your news: The Louisville Ball Parents Association will be holding a general meeting on Wednesday, September 30th at 6:00pm at the Senior Center.  All parents and coaches of summer baseball or softball players are encouraged to attend.  
HEY, Cory, What's Cookin?
This Week at the MSC
Lunch Specials Sept. 29th - Oct 2nd

Tuesday, 9/29: Meatloaf, Soup - Potato
Wednesday, 9/30: Hot Turkey Sandwich, Soup - Beefy Noodle
Thursday, 10/1: Beef & Bean Burrito, Soup - Mexican Corn Chowder
Friday, 10/2: Runza Casserole, Soup - Beer Cheese

Walleye on Friday Night!!
BUILD Meeting
Tuesday October 6th, 2009
Louisville Care Community
From the Office of 
Senator Dave Pankonin

For Immediate Release:

Developing Student Leaders

September 24, 2009 Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning is seeking members for his Youth Advisory Council (AGYAC). This is the annual call for high school students, who are interested in learning more about our state government.

AGYAC is composed of high school students, who are selected each year to represent schools and communities from across the state. The opportunity to participate is available to high school juniors and seniors. AGYAC members learn about state government and criminal justice issues at a one-day conference in Lincoln. The daylong event features tours of the Capitol and Penitentiary and includes discussion forums with some of Nebraska's top elected officials.

AGYAC membership offers an excellent chance for students from District 2 to learn about our government and criminal justice system, fine-tune their leadership skills and enjoy the rewards that are derived from civic involvement.  Students who have participated in AGYAC in the past report that it was a valuable learning experience. This year the invitation is also being extended to parents of the members, as well as to educators. During the conference, lunch will be provided for students. However, a small fee will be charged for parents and educators.

Members of AGYAC can be nominated by educators or their state senator. If you are a high school junior or senior who attends a public or private school in District 2, and would like for me to recommend you for membership on the Attorney General's Youth Advisory Council, please send me your resume and a brief statement that explains why you would be a good candidate to represent District 2 on the AGYAC.

Applications for AGYAC membership are due to Attorney General Bruning’s office by Friday, October 16, 2009. All of the application forms can be mailed from my legislative office or downloaded from the Attorney General’s web site at www.ago.state.ne.us 

      We welcome your contacts by mail, phone or email.

      State Capitol

      PO Box 94604

      Lincoln, NE 68509

      (402) 471-2613 


HEY, You!


Have you registered that Scarecrow yet?

Click My Face Above to Register!


"Lie, Cheat and Genuflect" at the Lofte

Pictured:  Kevin Colbert and Jamion Biesterfeld will "Lie, Cheat and Genuflect" to get their Grandfather's fortune!
 Manley, NE September 24, 2009 - Grandpa's passed away and it's time to read the will!  The Lofte Community Theatre opens the hilarious comedy, "Lie, Cheat and Genuflect" on October 9. 
The fast-paced farce, written by William Van Zandt and Jane Milmore revolves around the two "black sheep" of the wealthy Buckle family.  Two bumbling brothers  fell out of their grandfather's favor several years ago, and know they don't have a chance at receiving any money.  But, due to a string of unfortunate bets at the track, they're in debt to a low-rent loan shark.  In their desperation, the brothers cook up a scheme to have one of them pose as their grandfather's favorite, a female cousin who happens to be a nun!  A cast of colorful characters including a wine-swilling maid and a rookie lawyer add to the mayhem.  Director Kevin Colbert suggests a PG-13 rating for the production, and advises that some situations may not be suitable for very young children. 
Kevin Colbert of Weeping Water plays the scheming brother, Tom, who has all the answers.  Have you ever seen a nun with five o'clock shadow?  A Lofte favorite, Jamion Biesterfeld of Louisville will spend half his time as brother Billy and the other half as the fictitious "Sister Fernando."  Other cast members include Anne Pope and Christina Tipken of Eagle, Shari Hoelker of Omaha, Dave Hibler and Kevin Holdorf of Manley,
Performance dates are Oct 9-11, 16-18 and 22-25.  Curtain times are Thursday-Sautrday at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2pm.  Tickets are $16 and may be purchased by calling the Lofte box office at (402) 234-2553 or online at www.Lofte.com
 Louisville's Got Hardware!!
If Hank Could See us Now!!

 Community Website Sponsors include:

Principal Sponsor
Louisville Community Website





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2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor


 Shadow Lake Towne Center

2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor


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2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor


Click HERE to View New Farmers Bank Website  

Louisville Care Community
  Contact Us for a VIP Tour! 
  Register Fall Classes Now  402-525-3906
  time to get that website you need
On Main Street in Louisville at WireBuilt


NEW JOBS Section - Community Website
Click Here

Email: Jobs@LouisvilleNebraska.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it



Week of 9/28/09 Jobs Offered


from    Lois Reynolds < impulse2@windstream.net impulse2@windstream.net This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >

subject    House cleaner
Need someone for general cleaning. 

Prefer weekly. Cedar Creek     234-2442


Child Care Help Wanted

Looking for a responsible person 

(must be 18 or older)

to watch our two girls age 7 and 8

and two boys age 5 and 6

in our home.

Monday thru Friday

4:00 PM to 5:30ish PM after school

and from 1:00 PM to 5:30'ish PM

on non-school days.


$20 a day after school and

$45 a day the other times


Please call Stacy

234-3465 or 949-0098


This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Help Wanted at the Parks
  Call and tell them  you saw their "help wanted" ad, on the Louisville Website

Platte River State Park

click here for todays request for help


Mahoney State Park

click here for todays request for help

Shadow Lake Towne Center
Where Shopping is an Event!
Register to win a $100 Gift Card
Click Here
 Tell 'em you saw this ad, on the Louisville Website
  V i s i t t h e Li o n s Den
Get all the latest  Louisville Lions
Provided by Mike Krambeck and Krambeck PhotographyView and purchase professional photos of our athletes (Click Here) that will provide a lifetime of memories, and help support the fine work of Mike and Pam
Keep Up!
 with all the Latest Louisville's Real Issues
Read the most recent City Council Minutes

Read  recent BUILD Meeting Minutes


  Now, let's Snoop on the Neighbors!!

Read all our local news by clicking on:
All the Community Classified Ads are on the Left Side
All the Community Newsletters are on the
Right Side
(just click on the Editors Name)

See what's for sale, and read today's local buzz!!

Louisville Interactive

  We built this feature to encourage you to share with the BUILD group
your ideas, observations and suggestions for a better Louisville.
Your comments and ideas are shared at the
Monthly BUILD meeting and with the City.
All comments are saved, reviewed and discussed
This is a convenient chance for you to say what you think!
Take The Survey http://www.b-u-i-l-d.com/talk _to_build.htm 
We have significantly improved our Classified Section,
and the popularity of this section has grown dramatically!
We see most new listings Tues and Wed with the Weekly Newsletters.
You can now add a digital photo, and all the ads are monitored, to keep them local. The classified section, is now the most
frequently visited section of the website,
so get out there and sell something!
Click HERE !
Anybody in Louisville can contribute
a story..or a Guest Editorial on pretty much
any Community subject by Clicking HERE:
http://www.louisvillenebraska .com/news/submit.htm
  Type your story in the little box (cut and paste it)
This represents your access to
about 1382 of your neighbors
and you don't have to pay to get your message out
(Be Aware: message content must be approved by the editor's Mom,
and she says; "If you can't says something nice, then shut up and eat!")

Join Club Louisville

A private OnLine Community for Authentic Louisville Residents Only 
Be sure and check out the Local Discussion by
going to: Click Here and clicking on "Last Week"
the top left hand side of your screen
This Forum is Secure and Available Only to Louisville Residents,
you must request an account for access call 234-2345 for assistance
Hey, Life is Better Here!

If you are among the geographically challenged that happen to live somewhere else...

Come and Join Us! Easy as 1, 2, 3..... 4

1) Select a lot in our new Subdivision, 2) drive down and check it out,
3) get a loan eat dinner , then 4) buy some firewood!
you too can experience the Better Life!   
From the Editor
Hunkering Down
Freeing Up Parking on Main Street
Thanks Jeannie!
Well, we gotta scoot.
WireBuilt Company is relocating from our Main Street office first floor of Jeanies Havenmakers Building at 129 Main Street
36807 Oakmont Drive
(out there by Yogi's)
  3 years ago, we had an idea to create inexpensive, temporary, retail websites for $69. Just like a printer would print a bunch of temporary flyers. It seemed like their would be a market for inexpensive, disposable websites alongside more sophisticated permanent business websites. We started TWIS! www.TheWEBisSimple.com and setup a retail store front on Main Street. Well, for a variety of reasons that was a bad idea. So we are just going to concentrate on Business and Municipal Community websites, from our larger facility at 36807 Oakmont Drive.
From this facility we will continue to operate
 and sometimes watch Husker Football!
Still just a phone call, or an email away.
Having Fun and Celebrating Homecoming South of the River
Computer John