Walleye on Friday Night!!
Auditions at the Lofte Community Theatre
8, 2009, Manley, NE --The Lofte Community Theatre near Manley announces
that it will be holding open auditions for their holiday production,
"Uh-oh, Here Comes Christmas." Auditions will be held at the theater on
Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20 at 7PM, and will consist of
cold readings from the script. The production will be directed by Kevin
holiday stories from Robert Fulghum, best-selling author of "All I
Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" have been crafted into
an engaging evening of storytelling and song. This takes a poignant
look at the struggle to find the spirit of the holidays amid the glut
of commercialism that crashes down every December. Parts are available
for 3 men and 2 women of various ages. A pianist is also needed for the
production as it does contain some musical selections.
dates are December 4-6, 11-13 and 17-20. Questions may be addressed to
Director Kevin Colbert by calling the theater, (402) 234-2553 or by
sending an email to
Lofte Community Theatre is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization
supported in part by The Cooper Foundation, The Midlands Community
Foundation, and the Cass County Visitors Promotion Committee. The Lofte
Community Theatre is dedicated to providing opportunities for area
residents of all ages to participate in the creation process and
companionship of live theatre in rural Nebraska and to enjoy the
social, artistic, and educational benefits of this art form.
Singer/Songwriter Sunday
Sunday, October 18, 2009
2 - 5 PM
Tickets $12 advance - $15 day of the show
Dear Art Lover,
This weekend the Louisville Art Gallery will host its second
“Singer/Songwriter Sunday”.
spring concert was great fun and showcased the talents of many fine
area singer/songwriters. This show will feature at least six talented
musicians including
Tim Koehn, Hector Anchondo, Kelsey Nord, Michael Campbell and Vern Kanthol,
all performing original compositions. A portion of the proceeds will go
to benefit the Cass County Food Bank. CD’s from the spring performance
should be available for purchase at this time. There were really some
great moments from all the performers and each will be represented on
this disk. Neil Johnsen, though not performing this time around, will
again be handling the sound duties and recording this show as well, so
come on out, “and you just might end up on an album” (thank you Bob
With all of the talent slated to perform, tickets for
this show are a great bargain. Bring a non-perishable food item with
you on Sunday, and get in at the advanced ticket price.
Call the Gallery for tickets at 402.264.2867
and if there is no answer, be sure to leave a number where we can
return your call. If you have never attended a concert in the Gallery,
be sure to make this one, it will be great. The intimate setting among
the fine art adds the intangible that makes the experience special. We
hope you can make it out.
November marks the eighth year that
the Gallery will have been in business. The anniversary show opens on
Saturday night, November 21st, and features a music theme. The show is
titled “Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar”. If you are unfamiliar with
that phrase, go check out the Andrew sisters on youtube, or perhaps dig
through your dad’s record collection and fire up that ol’ turntable or
hi-fi stereo set and give it a listen, you will be up and dancing in no
Thank you for your support, and please forward this to all
of your friends who may be interested in attending the show. If you
have any questions, you can email me directly at louisvilleartgallery@gmail.com. Hope to see you on Sunday STEVE
November Meeting
If You Attend One Meeting This Year;
Attend Ths Meeting
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2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor
2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor
Contribute your Memorial and Rememberances
2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor
Click HERE to View New Farmers Bank Website
NEW JOBS Section - Community Website
Click Here
Week of 10/12/09 Jobs Offered
Child Care Help Wanted
Looking for a responsible person
(must be 18 or older)
to watch our two girls age 7 and 8
and two boys age 5 and 6
in our home.
Monday thru Friday
4:00 PM to 5:30ish PM after school
and from 1:00 PM to 5:30'ish PM
on non-school days.
$20 a day after school and
$45 a day the other times
Please call Stacy
234-3465 or 949-0098
Platte River State Park
click here for todays request for help
Mahoney State Park
click here for todays request for help
Click Here
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A private OnLine Community for Authentic Louisville Residents Only
If you are among the geographically challenged that happen to live somewhere else...
Come and Join Us! Easy as 1, 2, 3..... 4
3) get a loan eat dinner, then 4) buy some firewood!
you too can experience the Better Life!
Curches, and Clubs, and Micro Businesses
Free and Easy City Web Site Participation
Sometimes solutions are just too simple to get a serious look.
The Louisville City Website is visited by a dependable 1000 folks each day.
Those 1000 visitors each day represent 1,248,617 "Hits a Month"
For a Community our Size we have done a darn good job and we put a lot of effort into supporting this project on a daily basis.
So What?
You can tap into this great tool, by using the Classified Ads, Posting a Community Notice for the Ticker, Writing a Guest Editorial for the Newsletter and now:
Get your Organization on Line with a few Simple Steps
Step One:
visit www.Gmail.com and establish a free Gmail Account
Step Two:
from within your new Gmail account notice the link at the top called:
Step Three:
Click Documents, and create a new document, (or upload a previously created document), the goal
is to provide useful and current information, names, times, contact information. Save your new document
Step Four:
Open your document and click top right on Share: Click to Publish your Document as a Web Page
Final Step:
Email the link created when you "publish" your new page page, to Webmaster@WireBuilt.com with a
brief explanation of your Business, Church or Organization and where you want to appear on the
Community Website
Here is the great part! Not only will all the Community Visitors enjoy easy access to your information, but whenever you need to create an announcement, change an event date, or your daily special sandwich all
you do is open that same document, make the changes and save.
Instantly, automatically, the changes are visible to the entire
Community. Easy Breezy, Lemon Squeezy
The only charge for this valuable service, is you have to agree to help another small Church, Business, Club or Cafe learn from you how to do this, now that you are the expert.
The more small groups that participate, the more the Community is connected,
and the more valuable the entire Project Is!
By the way, if a single page is not enough for your needs, visit http://sites.google.com/
If you need even more, call john at 234-5678 and we can Build you a World Class website (Not Free)
Free advice, and assistance call Nebraska Community Websites www.NCWP.org
at 866-932-4774 or 234-2345
Please remember to thank the Sponsors of your Community Website, they make this all possible and given the
tough economy a note of thanks makes the Sponsors feel, that their
dollars are well spent, and their contribution is appreciated.
John Harrington