Adam Sparks - Breaks LHS School Record
Adam Sparks set a new school record for passing yardage in a game, throwing for
228 yards against Oakland-Craig
The winners in each of the 3 Categories were:
1) Businesses Category:
1st - "Marilyn MonScareCrow" - submitted by the Law Offices of Johnson Law
Office & Touchstone Law Office
2nd - "Maggie Mortgage"- Submitted by Home State Bank
2) General Category (Public):
1st - "Girl Scout Scarecrow" submitted by Girl Scout Troop # 5588
2nd - "Dark Vader" submitted by Evelyn Hans
3) School / Home Rooms Category:
1st - "Mountain Dew Man" - submitted by Anderson & zinc Middle School
2nd - "Ronald McDonald clown"- Submitted by Brinkman & Behrns Middle School
Thanks to everyone that participated this year, start working right now on your 2010 Scarecrow and we will see you next year!
Nancy Kratcky
BUILD Re-Elects Officers
Terri Scholting - Elected BUILD President for 4th Term
President Scholting continues as BUILD's Longest Serving President
John Plucknett - Re-Elected BUILD Treasurer - 5th Term
Andy Mixan - Re-Elected Secretary - 3rd Term
Highlites of the BUILD meeting included anounced completion of the Louisville Business Directory ads in the care of Todd at Snowdog Printing, with the inspired assistance of Paul McManis, near completion of the Ringing in the Season plans and flyer under the care of Nancy McManis, results from the "Scarecrows Among Us" event and a commitment that the project will be even better next year under the care of Nancy K, and Nancy M. and discusssion of a Terri Scholting idea for a broader Louisville Marketing initiative:
Live it UP in Louisville!!
Carroll Hudson from www.ParmeleHouse.com - addressed the group with information on Plattsmouth merchants use of Wooden Nickels and how that mechanism might be worked in to a a Marketing Program for Louisville. It was determined that a committee would be formed to investigate the concept more fully.
All Lions Photos Compliments of Mike Krambeck,
For The Best Local Sports coverage in Cass County Click Here
HEY, Cory, What's Cookin?
This Week at the MSC
Lunch Specials Nov 4th - Nov 6th
Tues. Nov. 3rd: Hot Turkey Sandwich, Soup - Cajun Ham & Bean
Wed. Nov. 4th: Meatloaf Dinner, Soup - Cheesy Potato
Thurs. Nov. 5th: Taco Platter, Soup - White Chili
Fri. Nov. 6th: Beef Stew & Biscuits, Soup - Clam Chowder
Walleye on Friday Night!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
2:00 pm
Lofte Community Theatre
The Colors proudly presented by Weeping Water Legion Post #237
The Lofte invites everyone to come and enjoy this moving patriotic
event. Bring your favorite veteran. Join us to remember those who
have served, or are currently serving their country far from home.
"New Horizons" woodwind quintet is currently
stationed at Offutt Air Force Base. Their touring area currently
encompasses 680,000 square miles; the largest geographical area of any
stateside band.
This concert is free and open to the public; no advanced reservations are required.
The USAF Heartland of America Band's "New Horizons" is a clarinet
ensemble, featuring five of the squadron's excellent clarinet players.
The group's repertoire consists of classical, jazz and standard
clarinet ensemble literature showcasing its musical diversity. At home
in large auditoriums or in more intimate chamber concert settings, New
Horizons takes audiences on a tour of some of the world's most
beautiful and exciting music. Each member of the group is a full-time
Air Force professional. Together they render the perfect blend of
tone and musicianship.
Limited concessions will be available during this event. For questions or driving directions, please visit the
Lofte's website, or call the box office at (402) 234-2553.
FREE CARRIAGE RIDES – 11:00am-2:00pm
sponsored by B.U.I.L.D.
Home State Bank Parking Lot on Main Street
This years festive Event will include Santa, and Art, and wonderful tasty treatss, and Horse Drawn Carriage Rides on Mainstreet
and Much, Much Mure!
Festive Horse Drawn Carriage Rides between 11AM and 2PM
Free Cider and Cookie Samples at the Main Street Cafe
Santa will be Visiting the Louisville Art Gallery - and Parents are Invited to take Photos
Kids Shopping for parents will take place at Blakes and the kids will be assisted by special Christmas Elves to choose and wrap gifts for Mom and Dad
11/05/09 9:52AM
Weeping Water
Save Money - Save Energy
Attention Cass County business owners and anyone thinking about
starting a business within Cass County. FREE MONEY!!! The
Plattsmouth Main Street Association Design Committee is hosting a
special forum that you will not want to miss. Roger Meeks, Area
Director of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural
Development, and Craig Vincent, Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD),
will give presentations where you will learn how you can save money
while saving energy
and getting paid to do it. Join
this exciting event on Thursday, November 12, 2009, 6:30pm-9:00pm at
the Plattsmouth State Bank reception room (west entrance), corner of
5th and Main Streets. Seating provided to the first 80 reservations.
Rush your RSVP to
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
not later than Friday, Nov 6, with your name, email address, telephone,
and number of others who will attend with you. Mark your calendar now
for this valuable forum. Refreshments will be served. Call Vicki
Huddleston for more information - 238-8882.
Charles Jones, Executive Director
Plattsmouth Main Street Association
You are invited to
our next
CCNEDC Quarterly Investor Reception,
Tuesday, November 10th, 2009
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
at Strategic Air
& Space Museum,
West Park Highway)
- just west of
Mahoney State Park
Presentation by: Kathy
McKillip, Executive Director
Nebr. Innovation Zone
Also, a brief CCNEDC
Update presentation.
Please RSVP to
John Yochum (
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
, or 402-978-7909, by Wednesday, Nov. 4th.
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Free Concert
Featuring Devoted Sound, for youth
on November 11, from 6:30 - 8PM at the
United Methodist Church in Louisville.
Mark your calendars and pass the word!
No candle which God lights was ever meant to burn alone.
J. C. Ryle
Otoe County Genealogical Society
The Otoe County Genealogical Society will hold its
November 12th meeting at the Morton-James Public Library. This meeting will
welcome all new members into the society, and will also cover topics of interest
concerning genealogical research in the Otoe County area. This meeting is open
to all who are interested in joining the society, or just wish to attend to
learn more about genealogical research in general.
During this meeting we will be conducting our
quarterly Genealogy Internet Workshop, where we will be introducing our members
to the valuable genealogical resources that are available on the Internet. This
workshop is designed to assist those researchers who are unsure of how to locate
their family's history online. So if you are new to the Internet and would like
assistance in this area, please stop by and join us in our free workshop. Also,
for those visitors that prefer to research their ancestors through more
conventional means, the library's Genealogical Reference Room will be open at
this time, and assistance will be provided by society members in this area as
Our society meets on the second Thursday of every
month at 7:00 pm, and our meeting location alternates every other month between
the Otoe County Museum of Memories in Syracuse, and the Morton-James Public
Library in Nebraska City. To learn more about the society, please check out our
website, or contact the Morton-James Public Library for more
Louisville's Got Hardware!!
If Hank Could See us Now!!
Call About our Holliday Specials!
Community Website Sponsors include:
Principal Sponsor
Louisville Community Website
Featured Home - Click Here for 360' Tour
2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor
Shadow Lake Towne Center
2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor
Contribute your Memorial and Rememberances
2009 Community Sustaining Sponsor
Click HERE to View New Farmers Bank Website
Louisville Care Community
Contact Us for a VIP Tour!
Summer Classes 402-525-3906
Louisville Help Wanted
POSTED 11/5/09
Chevrolet- GMC, Inc
Louisille, NE
is looking for a full time
lube tech with the ability to do minor services. Excellent opportunity for a motivated
individual looking for a future in the automotive industry. Must pass a
pre-employment drug screening and have an excellent driving record. Please
contact Don Boukal or Robert Copple at 402-234-2000
Don Boukal
Copple Chevrolet
306 Main Street
Louisville, Ne 68037
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Help Wanted at the Parks
Call and tell them you saw their "help wanted" ad, on the Louisville Website
Platte River State Park
click here for todays request for help
Mahoney State Park
click here for todays request for help
Shadow Lake Towne Center
Where Shopping is an Event!
Tell 'em you saw this ad, on the Louisville Website
V i s i t t h e Li o n s Den
Provided by Mike Krambeck and Krambeck PhotographyView and purchase professional photos of our athletes (Click Here) that will provide a lifetime of memories, and help support the fine work of Mike and Pam
Keep Up!
with all the Latest Louisville's Real Issues
Now, let's Snoop on the Neighbors!!
Read all our local news by clicking on:
Louisville Interactive
We built this feature to encourage you to share with the BUILD group
your ideas, observations and suggestions for a better Louisville.
Your comments and ideas are shared at the
Monthly BUILD meeting and with the City.
We have significantly improved our Classified Section,
and the popularity of this section has grown dramatically!
We see most new listings Tues and Wed with the Weekly Newsletters.
You can now add a digital photo, and all the ads are monitored, to keep them local. The classified section, is now the most
frequently visited section of the website,
so get out there and sell something!
Anybody in Louisville can contribute
a story..or a Guest Editorial on pretty much
Type your story in the little box (cut and paste it)
This represents your access to
about 1412 of your neighbors
and you don't have to pay to get your message out
(Be Aware: message content must be approved by the editor's Mom,
and she says; "If you can't says something nice, then shut up and eat!")
Join Club Louisville
A private OnLine Community for Authentic Louisville Residents Only
Be sure and check out the Local Discussion by
the top left hand side of your screen
This Forum is Secure and Available Only to Louisville Residents,
you must request an account for access call 234-2345 for assistance
Hey, Life is Better Here!
If you are among the geographically challenged that happen to live somewhere else...
Come and Join Us! Easy as 1, 2, 3..... 4
From the Editor
Sooner of Later
It's November, so it must be time for OKLAHOMA!!
I am completely distracted this week
Normally I am pretty focused during the course of the Business Day, but I am all over the place, and I know why; Sat at 7PM is the Big One!
I am a realist. I have seen our offense the last few weeks, but I have also seen our unbelievable, inspired, and fired up defense and I just have a feeling, this is where we get healed for all our sins. This is where we make it all right!
I know that our Blackshirts are going to mess these Sooners up a lot, I expect them to also do the necesssary scoring. Hey, they are the Blackshirts, they can do anything!!!
When we got it done in Missouri, I knew this was going to be a special year, and I still believe that we are going to be really happy come this Sunday Morning!!!
I am so easily amuzed!
I really do like Terri's idea to adopt part of the
Plattsmouth Wooden Nickel tourism promotion and craft it into a unique
Live it UP in Louisville!!
(These are images and links I borrowed from Plattsmouth)
Click Here for the Map of Shops that are participating in Plattsmouth
I know that the Plattsmouth Main Street Association is interested in working with other Communites, such as Louisville to leverage energy and creativity towards a larger Cass County success.
Certainly that kind of Community cooperation is a goal of Nebraska Community Websites
This particular BUILD program has some great potential, but it is going to require a boatload of creativity and management to get it into an actionable project.
What About You? Can You Pitch In?
Give Terri a call 234-2504 or John at 234-5678
Having Fun and Throwing Bones South of the River
Computer John
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